
All systems on MyStore are “a la carte” meaning you only pay for what you want to use. We use simple, up-front pricing so there are no surprises. Please contact us if you have multiple stores of have any questions.

Services Marketing & Promotion

RJO Exclusive

$165 per year

Our flagship system puts your website on all our directories like, CustomDesigned.Jewelry and Estate.Jewelry. Full set-up is done for you and all edits are free.



RJO Discount Available

From $399 per year

“An all-in-one” website solution for any store. Fully featured and ready to go!

No hidden or extra fees. Fully hosted on your domain. Set-up free.


Content & Graphics

RJO Discount Available

From $20 per

A La Carte single article and banners for your use on website, social etc. Extra fees for installation onto your media or DIY.


Total Marketing Package

RJO Exclusive

$99 per month for all marketing and promotional systems.

A complete package to augment any website and social media presence.


AI Chatbot

RJO Discount Available

From $15 per month

An AI-powered chatbot on your site that knows everything your site does and can converse with your users any time. It can learn anything else you want to teach it, like your articles, blogs, policies, and more. Incredible customer service and sales tool 24/7 available right from your website.


Custom Design Websites

Please contact us or see this page for more:

* Prices correct at time of publishing. Prices may change at any time without notice - contact us for details.


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