Retail Jewelry
Retail jewelry is simply jewelry in a showcase that is ready to be worn. It’s many of those beautiful, sparkling pieces you see in your local jewelers’ showcase. When you go into your local retailer, you’re able to see, feel, and try-on pieces. That in itself is an experience, sufficient to have its own story.
If you’ve ordered things for delivery before, you’ll have noticed that what is shown in a picture is often not much like what arrives. We could talk of those burgers we see, brimming of toppings as compared to the rather sorry-looking thins we get to eat, but it applies to a lot of products too. There’s a reason why items bought online have a much higher return rate than those bought locally!
Computers are great at showing jewelry to a point but it is very hard to determine feel, fit, quality, and weight from a picture. Sure, sometimes it works but it is always better to try before you buy.
Furthermore, it can be hard to picture a piece as worn sometimes. What looks good on a blank or colored backdrop may not suit your particular tone or style. Maybe it looks great on the page but when it is next to the ring you wear on the next finger, maybe not? This is why having a selection to hand will always be best.
Remember also, retail jewelry can sometimes be modified. Usually, lower prices items are not so customizable, but some items can be selected and then modified to suit you. Think swapping stones, engraving, item-matching, and more.